
public enum HookDescriptor

A type describing a single hook.

  • A method hook.

    replacement represents an Objective-C method IMP. It should be a @convention(c) function which takes self: AnyObject and _cmd: Selector as its first two arguments. The remaining argument types should be the argument types of the hooked Objective-C method in order, and the return type should be the return type of the method.

    If a class method is being hooked, cls should be the metaclass.

    completion is a closure which will be passed the original method implementation when the hook is applied, or an error on failure. It may be called more than once during the duration of Backend.apply(descriptors:).



    case method(cls: AnyClass, sel: Selector, replacement: UnsafeMutableRawPointer, completion: Completion)
  • A function hook.

    replacement should be a @convention(c) function with the same signature as the function which is to be hooked.

    completion is a closure which will be passed the original method implementation when the hook is applied, or an error on failure. It may be called more than once during the duration of Backend.apply(descriptors:).



    case function(function: Function, replacement: UnsafeMutableRawPointer, completion: Completion)